About Hirexe

People are the most important aspect of your business.

Do you feel that every single member of your team is truly great?

Our thesis is that there are a lot of very talented people out there, but their access to career-altering opportunities is relatively limited.

It's an access problem, not a talent problem.

It's Hirexe's goal to fix that problem.


We're building a global talent platform that allows us to:

- take a close look at exactly what your hiring needs are
- make best fit recommendations
- save you 80% of the time the hiring process takes
- 75% of the salary costs (if outsourcing)

Interested - where do we start?

Fill out this form and we send you a couple of pre-vetted candidates.

No pressure to move forward or strings attached.

Welcome to a new HIRING EXPERIENCE.

Chris Keith
Founder & CEO

Chris has been building and scaling companies and revenue organizations for the past 10 years, ranging from from Digital Advertising, to Ecommerce, and most recently a VC backed software startup working solely with MSPs.